List of Clients & Customers

We have assisted public utilities, government departments, multinational manufacturing, engineering consultancy, construction and contracting companies, academic institutions, charitable organizations, catering groups and law firms, etc.  Clients and customers that we have served directly or indirectly include:

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Able Engineering Co. Ltd.
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Acumen Environmental Engineering and Technologies Co. Ltd.
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Adrian Engineering Ltd.
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AES China Generating Company Ltd.
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Alan Wong & Co.
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Anthony Ng Architects Ltd.
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Anway Engineering Co., Ltd.
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Architectural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR
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Arthur D Little Inc.
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Ashdown Environmental Ltd.
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Asian Development Bank
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ATAL Engineering Ltd.
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ATAL Group of Companies
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Atkins China Ltd.
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Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
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Binnie Black & Veatch Hong Kong Ltd.
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Birdland (Hong Kong) Ltd.
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Blutech Engineering Ltd.
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BMT Asia Pacific Ltd.
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Bordon Construction Co. Ltd.
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BVQI (HK) Ltd.
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Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre
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CDM International Inc.
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Champion Industrial Automation Ltd.
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Charles Yeung Clement Lam & Co.
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Cheung Kee Fung Cheung Construction Co., Ltd.
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Chevalier (Civil Engineering) Ltd.
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Chi Wo Recycling Ltd.
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China Energy International Group Ltd.
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China State Construction Engrg. (H.K.) Corp.
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Chinese Recreation Club
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Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Clothing Industry Training Authority
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Chun Sing Engineering Co. Ltd.
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Chung’s Cuisine
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Chun Lee Engineering Co. Ltd.
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Cinotech Consultants Ltd.
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CLP Power HK Company Ltd.
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Companhia de Electrididade de Macdau-CEM, S.A.
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Correctional Services Department, Hong Kong SAR
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Daniel Chan & Associates Ltd.
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Det Norske Veritas
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Diocesan Office for Laity Formation
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Dongguan Lamex Furniture Co., Ltd.
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E.F.C.C. Yang Fook Church
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Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, Hong Kong SAR
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EN Technology Company Ltd.
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Enpro Environmental Technologies Co. Ltd
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Environmental Management Ltd.
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Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR
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Express Maintenance Services Ltd.
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Far East Landfill Technologies Ltd.
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Fraser Construction Co. Ltd.
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Gammon – Hip Hing
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Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co. Ltd.
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Glad China Ltd.
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Gladlink Properties Ltd.
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Global Opto Technology Development Limited
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Golder Associates (HK) Ltd.
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Goldfield N&W Construction Co. Ltd.
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Granbo Construction Company Ltd.
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Green Valley Landfill, Ltd.
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Henderson Land Development Company Ltd.
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Hien Lee Engineering Co., Ltd.
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Highways Department, Hong Kong SAR
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HKU – School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE)
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Ho Yin Construction Co., Ltd.
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Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
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Hong Kong Concrete Company Ltd.
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Hong Kong Film Archive
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Hong Kong Housing Authority
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Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
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Hong Kong Island Development Limited
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Hong Kong International School
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Hong Kong Note Printing Ltd.
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Hong Kong Productivity Council
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Hong Kong Scout Association
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Hong Yip Services Co., Ltd.
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Hsin Chong Construction Co. Ltd.
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Hung Key Cheong Yip Ltd.
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Hyder Consulting Ltd.
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Intrafor Hong Kong Ltd.
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InterGen (HK) Ltd.
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International Kum Fai Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd.
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ISG Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.
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Jepsen Designs
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Kai Shing Management Services Ltd.
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Kin Keung Const. & Engrg. Co. Ltd.
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King Wing Foundations Ltd.
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Konwall Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd.
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Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation
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Kwong Ming Hong
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Lanon Development Ltd.
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LAWN Environmental Protection Ltd.
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Leighton Asia Environmental Services
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Leighton Kumagai JV
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Luen Cheong Tai Construction Company, Ltd.
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Luk Yeung Restaurant Ltd.
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Macau SAR Government, Energy Resources Development Office
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Mak Hang Kei (HK) Construction Ltd.
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Marshall-Karson Construction & Engineers Ltd.
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Master Billion International Ltd.
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Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd.
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Maurice Lee & Associates Ltd.
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Maxglory Investment Ltd.
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Maxim's Caterers Ltd.
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Meco Services Ltd.
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Melchers Construction Ltd.
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Ming Hing Waterworks Engineering Co., Ltd.
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Modern Age Repro House Ltd.
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Montgomery Watson Harza
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Moretide Investments Ltd.
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MTR Corporation
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Multi-Billion Ltd.
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Nature & Enpro Technologies (HK) Ltd.
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Nehlsen Hong Kong Ltd.
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New Progress Construction Ltd.
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New Talent (Hong Kong) Ltd.
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Ocean Park Corporation
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Ove Arup & Partners HK Ltd
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P & E (M&E) Ltd.
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P-E Handley Walker
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Paramount Printing Company Ltd.
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Penta-Ocean Construction Company Ltd.
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Pietra Gallery Ltd.
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Power Tripod Ltd.
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Prominent Technology Enterprise Ltd.
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ProNat Company Ltd.
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Pure Fitness Centre (Hong Kong) Limited
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RHS Ltd.
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Scout Association of Hong Kong
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Seagate Technology International
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Seng San Enterprises Ltd.
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Seniorman Design Ltd.
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SGS Hong Kong Ltd.
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Shine Path Ltd.
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Shinryo (Hong Kong) Ltd.
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Shui On Building Contractors Ltd.
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Simon & Sons Engineering Ltd.
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Sino China Enterprises Ltd.
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Sinowick Engineernig Ltd.
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Southa Group
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Southa Technical Ltd.
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St Jude's Church
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Standard Chartered Bank
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Sumitomo Bakelite Macau
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Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.
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Sunnic Engineering Ltd.
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Swire Industrial
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Swire Pacific Ltd.
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Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
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Tao Heung Holding Ltd.
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TBV Consult Ltd.
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Television Broadcasts Ltd.
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The Airport Authority Hong Kong
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The Dairy Farm Company Ltd.
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The ELM Consulting Group LLC
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The Hong Kong And China Gas Company Ltd.
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The Hong Kong Institute of Education
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The Hongkong Electric Company Ltd.
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The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited
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The University of Hong Kong
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The University of Hong Kong School of Professional And Continuing Education
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TQM Consultants Co., Ltd.
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Trade Development Council
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Triple Glory Limited
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Tung Fong Hung Foods Ltd.
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Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
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Ulbrich Precision Metals Asia Limited
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Uniway Engineered Systems Ltd.
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Vart, Robert
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Waste & Environmental Technologies Ltd.
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Wing Shing Engineering International Co. Ltd.
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Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Ltd.
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Yat Ming Construction & Engineering Ltd.
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York International (Northern Asia) Ltd.
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Yu Sum Kee Construction Engineering Co. Ltd.
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Zama Corporation Ltd.


Nature & Technologies (HK) Limited
Lot 12, Tam Kon Shan Road, North Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2877 3122

Fax: +852 2511 0922

For enquiry of our services, please contact us at the numbers above or by e-mail.
For questions regarding this web site, please contact the webmaster.